week 7 233
October 12, 2021
econometrics 10
October 12, 2021

music and dance

Use the materials in the Week 3 Learning Resources without relying on any outside resources to address the questions below. Make sure to use your own words and avoid cutting and pasting from the sources. Make sure to cite any of the learning resources you use in your answer in MLA format.

  1. In one or two sentences, briefly define ethnomusicology using your own words. Make sure you rely on the information from the Learning Resources.
  2. List and define two other concepts, terms, techniques or methods that can be used to examine and interpret music and dance.

Follow Sample post below:

Ethnomusicology is (one sentence). (Optional second sentence).

  1. Theme – the main melody or melodies in a piece of music that most stand out
  2. Frailing – a plucking technique from Old Time banjo music which means striking downwards on strings with the fingernail and then plucking the fifth string with the thumb in an off beat

Insert MLA citations for all of the sources you use from the Week 3 Learning Resources here.












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