MN610 Advanced Practice Nurse: Chronic Disease/Rheumatoid Arthritis

BHE418 Module 1 Discussion
July 16, 2019
Help Need Done By Saturaday 2-2-2019 10 Pm Central Time
July 16, 2019

MN610 Advanced Practice Nurse: Chronic Disease/Rheumatoid Arthritis

No plagiarism will be checked with turnitin.

APA style formatting, font 12, double spaced with headers.

Will need Title page, content 2 – 3 paper in length, plus a minimum of 3 peered reviewed references in the Reference page. 


Chronic Disease Health Promotion and Maintenance/for adults age 35–65

Chronic Disease

Write a 2–3-page paper discussing the concepts of health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration and health teaching to an adult patient with this chronic disease (Rheumatoid Arthritis). Be sure to integrate Evidence Based Practice into your discussion.

Please use headings for:

Health promotion

Health maintenance

Health restoration and education

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