business strategy c715 strategic planning strategic formulation and organizational environment
October 9, 2021
title explain the concept of organizational behavior and discuss the unique perspective that each
October 9, 2021

meko 175 words reply

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Emotional intelligence can be said to cover five main areas: self-awareness, emotional control, self-motivation, empathy and relationship skills. It is, of course, important for good communication with others and is therefore a gateway to better learning, friendships, academic success and employment. Skills such as these developed in our formative years at school often provide the foundation for future habits later in life. Daniel Goleman, (2014),

The first element of Emotional Intelligence theory, Being self-aware means that you understand you. You understand what makes you tick and therefore, your strengths and weaknesses as a person, and a Leader. You can then start to understand why you feel, and what makes you feel. “Is this a good emotion, or should I feel a different way?” If you understand your emotions, you can identify their impact to you and those in your team. It is a path on the road to having humility, which is a much-needed facet in Leadership. Self-Management

The second element of Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence theory, through being in control of what you say and do, whilst rejecting the temptation to make rushed decisions, you can oversee your actions and therefore reducing the chance of compromising your values. Other aspects to nurture in this element are to show and actively apply conscientiousness, trustworthiness, Leading and adapting to change, complete drive to succeed and the initiative to think fast and act creatively and innovatively to solve problems.

The third element of Emotional Intelligence Theory: Social awareness is the ability for a Leader to understand the emotions of the team members around them and to get a good comprehension of their emotional makeup. The ability to treat people according to these emotional reactions is vital. This area is linked to empathy: The ability to understand and see things in other people’s viewpoints, expertise in building and retaining talent, valuing diversity and appreciating the organizational goals. This part of emotional intelligence then, is about understanding and being truly in touch with the complete demands of the environment and acting to suit those conditions.

The fifth and final element from Goleman’s emotional intelligence theory, which links Leadership and Emotional Intelligence together: Leaders with good Social Skills are often very good communicators. Leaders who are good in this discipline are also good at conflict resolution and communicating the vision to team members, enlightening them and creating motivation and inspiration throughout the team. They are experts at getting their team to support them and believe in their leadership. They set the example, for others to follow by demonstrating the acceptable behaviors and values.

After taking the EQ assessment I found my strength to be understanding and an effective leader which I consider an important asset in my career working in Human Services as an Mental Health Advocate. After seeing the results, I was confident that I answered each question with confidence therefore I was not surprised with reasons working with the Behavior Health population requires patience and strong leadership skills in decision making.

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