Chapter 2:Working with Data, Creating Modules, and Designing High-Quality Programs
1. At any moment in time, a variable can hold more than one value.
2. The ability of variables to change in value is what makes computers and programming worthwhile.
3. In many programming languages, if you declare a variable and do not initialize it, the variable contains an unknown value until it is assigned a value.
4. Programmers generally write programs as one long series of steps.
5. Most modern programming languages require that program statements be placed in specific columns.
1. When you write programs, you work with data in three different forms: ____.
a. values; variables, or named values; and unnamed values
b. variables; named constants; and named memory
c. variables; literals, or unnamed constants; and named constants
d. variations; transliterals, or unnamed constants; and named values
2. In most programming languages, before you can use any variable, you must include a ____ for it.
a. declaration c. header
b. definition d. proclamation
3. The process of naming program variables and assigning a type to them is called ____ variables.
a. initializing c. identifying
b. declaring d. Proclaiming
4. A variable’s unknown value is commonly called ____.
a. initial c. deterministically random
b. default d. garbage
5. You can also refer to a variable name as a ____.
a. mnemonic c. cue
b. pneumonic d. prompt
6. When the variable starts with a lowercase letter and any subsequent word begins with an uppercase letter, this is called ____.
a. Hungarian notation c. camel casing
b. Pascal d. Turing notation
7. When the first letter of a variable name is uppercase, as in HourlyWage, the format is known as ____ casing.
a. Hungarian notation c. camel casing
b. Pascal d. Turing notation
8. A specific numeric value is often called a ____.
a. named constant c. arithmetic constant
b. defined constant d. numeric constant
9. Fractional numeric variables that contain a decimal point are known as ____ variables.
a. partial c. integer
b. string d. floating-point
10. A(n) ____ is similar to a variable, except it can be assigned a value only once.
a. unnamed constant c. named constant
b. literal d. constant
11. The ____ dictate the order in which operations in the same statement are carried out.
a. rules of precedence c. operation rules
b. statement rules d. rules of arithmetic
12. The process of breaking down a large program into modules is called ____.
a. decomposition c. unification
b. modularization d. orientation
13. ____ is the process of paying attention to important properties while ignoring nonessential details.
a. Abstraction c. Abbreviation
b. Modularization d. Decomposition
14. Programmers say the statements that are contained in a module have been ____.
a. embedded c. encapsulated
b. decomposed d. modularized
15. Programmers say that variables and constants declared within a module are ____ only within that module.
a. abstracted c. in scope
b. out of scope d. in reference
16. ____ variables and constants are known to the entire program.
a. Local c. Heap
b. Transient d. Global
17. When a program has several modules calling other modules, programmers often use a program ____, which operates similarly to an organizational chart, to show the overall picture of how modules are related to one another.
a. hierarchy chart c. flow chart
b. tree chart d. data diagram
18. An ____ is most often represented by a three-sided box that is connected to the step it references by a dashed line.
a. abstraction symbol c. abbreviation symbol
b. annotation symbol d. enumeration symbol
19. Programmers refer to programs that contain meaningful names as ____.
a. undocumented c. formally documented
b. procedurally documented d. self-documenting
20. ____ is where a variable’s data type or other information is stored as part of the name.
a. Hungarian notation c. Turing notation
b. Pascal notation d. Camel case
21. A ____ variable is not used for input or output, but instead is just a working variable that you use during a program’s execution.
a. programming c. temporary
b. throw away d. calculating
1. Declaring a starting value is known as ____________________ the variable.
2. Each programming language has a few reserved ____________________ that are not allowed as variable names because they are part of the language’s syntax.
3. Whole number numeric variables are known as ____________________ numeric variables.
4. ___________________ tasks include any steps you must perform at the beginning of a program to get ready for the rest of the program.
5. Program ___________________ are written explanations that are not part of the program logic but that serve as documentation for readers of the program.
Match each item with a statement below.
a. Reliability f. Prompt
b. Declaration g. Variables
c. Echoing input h. Data dictionary
d. String variable i. Numeric variable
e. Identifier
1. Named memory locations whose contents can vary or differ over time
2. A statement that provides a data type and an identifier for a variable
3. A variable’s name
4. Can hold digits and have mathematical operations performed on it
5. Can hold text, such as letters of the alphabet, and other special characters, such as punctuation marks
6. The feature of programs that assures you a module has been tested and proven to function correctly
7. A list of every variable name used in a program, along with its type, size, and description
8. A message that is displayed on a monitor to ask the user for a response and perhaps explain how that response should be formatted
9. The act of repeating input back to a user either in a subsequent prompt or in output
1. What does an item’s data type describe?
2. List three reasons for modularizing a large program.
3. What items should you include when you create a module?
4. Explain the purpose of detail loop tasks.
5. What are end-of-job tasks?
6. List three design features that you can use while creating programs to make them easier to write and maintain.
7. Explain the purpose of annotation symbols.
8. Discuss why it is important to use meaningful names for identifiers.
9. Explain the purpose of temporary variables.
10. Discuss why it is important to maintain good programming habits.
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