answer 2 political science questions
April 8, 2023
we studied apache pig in lecture 4 you are supposed to do online research and find out one case study where apache pig was used to solve a particular problem
April 8, 2023

issc456 discussion

Be sure to list your references at the end of your post. References must be in APA citation format. ET. All posts must be a minimum of 250 words.

1) Using course resources and the Internet, please explain the following Password-Cracking Methods:

a. Brute-Force attack
b. Dictionary attack
c. Syllable attack
d. Rule-based attack
e. Hybrid attack
f. Password guessing
g. Rainbow attack

Be sure to cite your sources, the post must contain at least three sources.

Forum Grading Rubric (100 Points)

Synthesis of Concepts 55
Clear Citations using APA Format 10
Writing Standards 10
Timeliness 10
Peer Reviews (minimum of 2) 15
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