africa music
April 4, 2023
2 short answer
April 4, 2023

industry job analysis

The Industry Analysis is an important component of this course. A CTE teacher, should be competent to develop, validate, or sustain current program curriculum through direct job and task analysis of incumbent workers in the field in which you teach. Advisory committees help confirm material, but the ability to create task-based teaching material differentiates CTE faculty from their academic colleagues. These development skills will allow you to not only add value to your students, but to your industry partners as well. While teachers are often handed a mandated curriculum, or choose to purchase course content (the curriculum purchase option will be covered in this course.) However, that does not diminish the value of this content development skill.

1. Complete a job analysis worksheet using the form provided.

2. Complete a DACUM style chart for the job being analyzed (duties and task matrix.)

3. Conduct a Task Analysis for one of the identified tasks using the process and forms provided.

4. Convert the Task Analysis into Performance Objectives and include in the lesson.

5. Prepare a lesson plan for one task area.

6. Answer this question: Do your current courses in this job area prepare your students with necessary skills?

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