individual innovation project report structure marvel entertainment

reflection 148
March 11, 2023
elements of critical thinking 10
March 11, 2023

individual innovation project report structure marvel entertainment

Executive Summary

Write an approximately 5-10 sentence summary of your findings that goes at the beginning of the paper.

Origins of the Innovation—What makes your company innovative?

Who founded/ invented the company and its innovations?

How was the company continued to perform since founding?

Has the company continued to be innovative?

What additional innovations has it introduced?

In what country did your company originate?

How much has your company expanded and internationalized—in other words, how many countries of the world does it operate in today/

Have the original innovations had to be adapted, depending on the current country of operation?

Business Model and Innovative Projects—What is/was the business model of your company and how has it changed?

What was the business model in the beginning of the company?

How has the business model evolved?

What is the business model now and, if it changed, why did it have to change?

Opportunities and Challenges: What are the biggest successes, failures, and opportunities ahead for your company?

What are their biggest successes—and what failures have they had?

What opportunities have they encountered?

What challenges and difficulties have they overcome?

Has the company undergone any dramatic transformations?

Strategic Positioning: Pricing/ Marketing and Advertising/ Online Presence

What is their pricing strategy?

What is their digital or online strategy?

How does the company advertise?

Competition and Performance

***When your main company or its parent company has a stock price, this stock price must be reported and commented on. When did the company first become publicly listed? How has the stock price performed recently and how has it fluctuated over the past 1-5-10 years?

How has the company performed in terms of revenues/ profitability/ market capitalization/ ROE and any other relevant financials you could find?

What are the company’s major competitors?

How does the company maintain or increase its market share relative to the competition?

What has the competition done that is innovative compared to your company?

Has your company been more of a leader or a follower in innovation?

The Innovator’s Method

Please briefly analyze or comment on your company according to the five phases of our Innovator’s Method model:

Phase 1: Insight—How did your company figure out the ideas or insights for its original innovations and for any ongoing innovations? What was the brainstorming process?

Phase 2: Problem—What are the customer problems or pain points that the innovations of this company are solving? In other words, how did the company address the “pain-storming” and figuring out the “Job To Be Done”?

Phase 3: Solution—How did the company arrive at its solution? What is notable about its prototyping sequence Theoretical-Virtual-MVP-MAP? In other words, what was the “solution-storming”?

Phase 4: Business Model—This topic has already been addressed in another section—comment if you notice anything particularly remarkable about the Business Canvas, including any aspects such as partnerships, channels, revenue, OPT, etc

Phase 5: Scaling-It—For companies that are already large, how did your company scale up in management team, markets and products? For companies that are just starting up, what are the prospects for scaling up? How is the “Whole Product Solution” different from the MAP?

You can also comment on any other aspects of our course core concepts in relation to the Innovator’s Method or Lean Start-Up but please do not forget to provide the phase-by-phase commentary on the Innovator’s Method model in relation to your company.


What have you learned from your individual innovation report?

What do you think your company has learned during the course of its lifetime?

Where do you think your company will be 10, 20, 30 years from now?

Is your company vulnerable to any more recent, smaller, start-up firms in its industry?

If your company is on the “newer” side, how does it compete against the older and more established incumbents in the industry?

What companies could you compare your company to for gaining insights?

Do you have any other thoughts on the innovation history and trajectory of your company?


Please prepare a references list.

Most of your references are expected to be credible online resources, although you could also include books or journal articles, but only if you read them and not as part of the core 5.

Have at least 5 distinct, good-quality, NOT Wikipedia, clickable references

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