Identify a specific scene or moment from the movie when music is used

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July 8, 2020

Identify a specific scene or moment from the movie when music is used


Topic Assignment: Film Music Report





1) Your Report must be double-spaced and in 12-point font with one-inch margins.

2) All responses should be written in complete sentences. In addition to content, your Report will be evaluated on grammar, punctuation, and organization.

3) Word count: at least 1100 words; no more than 1600 words

4) You DO NOT need to indicate your name, date, etc. at the top of your Report.

5) This report is an experiential assignment. You do NOT need to conduct research to complete it. Therefore do not quote or paraphrase from outside sources. Write in your own words. The report will be submitted through Turnitin, a service that determines “the originality of texts based on comparisons with their internal database and net-wide searches.” If you plagiarize prose and violate the definition of academic integrity in Chapter 5 of the Miami University Student Handbook, you will receive a zero grade for the Film Music Report and your actions will be reported to the University.




For this Film Music Report you must watch a movie of your choice at home or presented at a local movie theater.



Once you have watched a movie, please respond to ALL 5 questions below to write your Film Music Report. Respond to them in the order presented, butdo not include the question numbers in your document.


1) Describe the movie: plot, characters, intended audience, etc. (10 points)


2) Identify a specific scene or moment from the movie when music is used. Briefly describe the scene & the features of the music. Would the music in this scene be considered diegetic or nondiegetic, and why? If the music is diegetic, describe how the audience is cued to understand what they are hearing as coming from the fictional world of the film. How does the music contribute to the scene, and what do you think motivated the filmmakers to include it? If the music is nondiegetic, describe how it functions within the scene for the audience. What does the music “tell” us about the scene or the ongoing plot of the movie? How does the music contribute to the scene, and what do you think motivated the filmmakers to include it? (20 points)


3) Identify a second scene or moment from the movie when music is used. Briefly describe this scene & the features of this music. Again, would it be considered diegetic or nondiegetic music? Explain why. How does the music contribute to the scene, and what do you think motivated the filmmakers to include it? (20 points)


4) Compare the second music example you identified to the example you selected for the first question. Does this second use of music differ from your previous example, or is it similar? How is the similarity or difference between these examples related to what is occurring in the film’s narrative? Do you feel the similarity or contrast is dramatically effective? Was the use of music in one scene more compelling than the other to you? (20 points)


5) Describe the use of sound in this film generally, including music, dialogue, & sound effects. In this particular movie, what was the balance between these elements of the soundtrack? Did any one element seem prevalent overall? Does this relate to the movie’s plot or overall genre in any way? (10 points)


6) 1100 to 1600 words (20 points)




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