early us history essay 3
October 16, 2021
national security responsibilities fall across many entities in the federal government which department agency or bureau has the most influence and why include a recent news article from the last eight weeks illustrating it in action
October 16, 2021

i want help in discussion 1

Book pages number form 140-290

this is the book link https://epdf.pub/cujod678d41a79b0e77b6686784f3a68599650438.html

Each Response should contain 3 quotes that you liked; anything about the text that confuses you; and a 150 word reflection on a theme, character, reference, or event in the reading that strikes you. Then reply to 3 of your colleagues by the following Tuesday.

For example, mine might look like this:

“Cujo lay on the floor of the garage, in semi-gloom” (88) (This is an example how the quote should be)

“Men know what they are. They have an image of what they are. The never live up to the ideal, and it breaks them, and maybe that’s why so many men die unhappy and before their time” (117) (This is an example how the quote should be)

“He had replaced the morphine he could no longer obtain with high-tension booze and had then proceeded to get about his life’s work, which was killing himself as slowly and pleasantly as possible” (44) (This is an example how the quote should be)

What is with all the honeysuckle references? Does honeysuckle mean something to you guys?

Does the cereal really matter or just a device to get Dad out of town?


As he suggests in IT, The Dead Zone, Christine, and numerous other stories, in Cujo Stephen King attempt to demonstrate that evil is an abstract, nebulous force that floats from time and place to time and place, manifesting in various ways. He writes, describing the death of Frank Dodd in The Dead Zone: “the monster never dies. Werewolf, vampire, ghoul, unnameable creature from the wastes [IT?]. The monster never dies. IT came to Castle Rock again in the summer of 1980” (4). As the novel develops, characters from the Monster In the Closet to Cujo to the Drunk Asshole to Steve Kemp share traits associated with monsters, as though evil is something that, the more we try to repress it or hide it, the more strongly it will emerge. This reminds me of the subconscious psychology advanced by Freud, where every painful emotional we suppress, will still manifest in other areas of our lives, as alcoholism, as domestic abuse, of violence, as adultery, as generalized anger dispersed into a legion of monsters. Cujo is just one among many in the novel, and probably the least important.

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