i need help with my homework 111

watch the video and ask question 2
March 11, 2023
leading proj 1
March 11, 2023

i need help with my homework 111

BCJ 3301 Discussion Board Question Unit I (VZC)

Think of three separate laws that have affected you in the past 24 hours. Find descriptions of these laws from a newspaper or the Internet, and post your answers to the following questions:

  • Why were these laws passed?
  • How are they enforced?
  • Do you believe they are a good idea? Explain.

To comment on my classmates comments this is what the professor is looking form us

Find at least two students who have been affected by different laws from you, and address the following:

  • Would that law affect you in the same way? Why, or why not?
  • What changes would you make to that law?
  • If you were able to make this change to the law, how might it affect the court system?

Use your personal experience(s), if relevant, to support or debate your responses to at least two other students. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

#1 My classmate wrote this and have to comment on it:

Hello Professor Kehm & Classmates

My Name is Deborah Jones i’m excited about learning the court system an how laws are passed looking forward to the weeks ahead.

The first law that was passed that affects me is the hand free cell phone law.

Why were these laws passed? It was passed to protect drivers and also pedestrians I agree with the idea of keeping people safe while driving but the driver are still distracted because it’s just human nature to pick up the phone when it rings or a text come through. Before I got my new car I had to wear a ear piece or have the phone on speaker not comfortable at all.

How are they enforced? Police will conduct a traffic stop the driver is fined with a healthy ticket.

Do you believe it they are a good Idea? Yes I do see the change in drivers it helps with accidents an the flow of traffic there are not to many driver delaying traffic while reading a text.

The second law that has passed in 9 states so far is the ban on abortion law.I really have a problem with this law it’s not fair that the government think they should be able to control a women body. I don’t agree with abortion it’s a human being that should be able to live. To many people unable to have kids place the kid up for adoption before you kill it. There is only one reason I would have an abortion if I got pregnant from a rape I could not see myself carrying a child that was made from a rapist. My option it would effect me mentally. Just being honest.

Why was these laws passed? Good question the only reason is for the government to have control.Which is wrong in all ways.

How are they enforced? In the states that has passed the ban the legislation require the provider to use an abdominal ultrasound to detect a fetal heartbeat if a heartbeat is detected the patient is denied the abortion.

Do you believe they are a good idea? No like I explained in my introduction everyone should have a right to make a choice about there body.

The final law that has passed is the cannabis laws or Marijuana laws I have mixed feelings about this law I do agree that it should be legal to help people that ill with chronic pain, seizure, an other diseases yes legalize it for that purpose only but we all know people with that are regular weed heads will find a way to fraud the system.

Why were these laws passed? This law was passed to help with certain health issues.

How are they enforced? The patient is given a prescription an a special card to show proof that it is for medical use only.

Do you believe they are a good Idea? Yes for medical purpose only.

#2 My classmate wrote this and I have to comment on it

My three laws are: Littering, Trespassing, and Drunk in public


-Laws were passed to keep people from littering for obvious reasons like excessive trash in roadways, clogged storm water drainage, damage to vehicles and even injury to other motorists or pedestrians on the highways.

-Littering laws are enforced by police officers who see it first hand or are informed of such activities.

-I think littering laws are very necessary, our country would be so horrible if people were allowed to just throw anything from their cars any time they like. Many do it anyways but it would be so much worse.


-Trespassing laws are meant to keep people from coming into areas where they do not belong, are not allowed, and are not wanted.

-Enforcement of trespassing laws falls to the police officers, they see it first hand or are called because someone is where they shouldn’t be. Many times people are lost or don’t know that they are on someones land and not public property.

-I believe that the trespassing laws are quite necessary! We need to be thankful that we have our own private areas that no one can or should enter. These laws keep strangers from simply walking into someones home and taking it over.

Drunk in public:

-For obvious reasons drunk in public laws were passed in order to keep the peace. No matter how well people can handle their alcohol there is always problems with volume, fighting, arguing, and so on.

-Enforcement looks like someone drunk stumbling down the street and an officer just happens to drive by and observe this. It then becomes a liability for that officer to not act, that person could walk into the road way or get into a car and drive, and on and on.

-The drunk in public laws are so very necessary and I am glad that they are enforced regularly. It is no fun explaining to my kids about why that stinky lady is over there screaming and yelling cuss words at a tree!

BCJ 3301 Unit I Assesment Questions


  • The right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures falls under the __________ Amendment.






  • A fact assumed to be true under the law is a:

stare decisis.



social norm.


  • Which of the following is NOT one of the three main functions of the court?

Resolving disputes

Creating public safety programs

Protecting individuals

Upholding the law


  • Which system blurs the lines between federal and state power?

Law of Succession


Tort law

Cooperative federalism


  • Which doctrine requires that a crime must be committed in order to hold someone liable for it?

Corpus delicti

Actus reus

Habeas corpus

Mens rea


Define and differentiate property law, tort law, family law, contract law, and criminal law.

Your response should be 200 words in length.

BCJ 3301 UNIT II Discussion Board Question (VZC)

Utilizing appropriate internet sources, research and provide a summary of a recent court case which was decided in your city or state. What was the outcome? Do you agree? Why, or why not?

BCJ 3301 Unit II Assesment Questions


What have been the recent developments in state courts?

Your response should be 200 words in length.


How did the federal courts develop historically?

Your response should be 200 words in length.


How do drug courts operate, and what are some common features of these courts?

Your response should be 200 words in length.

PSY 1301 Unit VI Discussion Board Question

I have to comment on a classmate’s question:

Circumcision is not medically necessary.Most parents decided to circumcise their child based on religious or cultural reasons. There also may be some cases were it may be done for a medical condition or for a preventative reason. Some people believe it’s wrong to circumcise your child and others don’t see anything wrong with it.

I have to comment on my proffesors question:

When it comes to your perspective on the performance of a circumcision, can you discuss the implications that can arise if it is performed and the outcomes is not what is expected? Do you believe that this will change an individual’s perception moving forward about the procedure?

PSY 1301 Unit VI Discussion Board Question

I have to comment on a classmate’s question:

Circumcision is not medically necessary.Most parents decided to circumcise their child based on religious or cultural reasons. There also may be some cases were it may be done for a medical condition or for a preventative reason. Some people believe it’s wrong to circumcise your child and others don’t see anything wrong with it.

I have to comment on my proffesors question:

When it comes to your perspective on the performance of a circumcision, can you discuss the implications that can arise if it is performed and the outcomes is not what is expected? Do you believe that this will change an individual’s perception moving forward about the procedure?

PSY 2010 Unit VI Discussion Board Qestion

I have to comment on my classmate comment:

I have learned more about disorders period. It is fascinating how many different categories of disorders there is. A disorder that seems to be normal in society these days is the tobacco use disorder. It was widely more accepted than it is now but it still plays a huge role in society today. What I learned is that second-hand smoking has way worse effects than the actual inhaling of the smoke. That means when the smoke comes out it contains more nicotine, tar and monoxides than for the actual smoker. That is scary and I did not know that.

Unit VII Discussion Board Question

Consider for a moment that you are presented with a job offer to work in a daycare setting or in an adult/nursing-home setting. Which do you choose, and why? Brainstorm and explain challenges you think could be associated with disorders that you envision working with in either of these populations. Feel free to include any personal experience you wish while respecting the privacy of all involved.

Unit VII I have to comment on my classmates discussion board question PSY 2010

I would choose working in a daycare for the sole reason that I love spending time and bonding with children, and because I enjoy their company and innocence.

Working in a daycare is not an easy task. The large number of children in limited spaces coupled with their weak immune systems makes them vulnerable to contacting diseases. Children who attend daycare contract a new infection every 3-4 weeks.

Sharing of toys, delays in diaper changes and poor hygiene mean that they pick up every virus they encounter. Also, diseases spread rapidly in a daycare setting. Daycare diseases aren’t completely preventable, only manageable through basic hygiene. They include colds, stomach flu, allergies and ringworms

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