finance class 419
March 22, 2021
2a 345a
March 22, 2021

humanities unit 8

Apply the reading on the MyArtsLab Closer Look at “Édouard Manet, Olympia,”   The image of Manet’s “Olympia” may at first appear to be nothing more than another painting like so many using many images and symbols to depict some element of higher culture.  But if one were to take the time and look at Titian’s “Venus of Urbino”, you would realize Manet’s work is making specific reference to this painting with a strong social commentary about the morals and values of the times and the way in which poverty have taken its toll on the poor in Paris.

  Venus of Urbino     Manet-s Olympia - 1863 

Art continues to be a powerful force in drawing attention to social issues.  For your discussion topic, briefly identify one instance in present-day culture where an individual communicated a social message in the form of a painting, film, commercial, billboard, poster, or any other visual mode of communication. Analyze your selection and describe the visual message represented.

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