humanities art literature toolbox

discussion board response 12
October 17, 2021
literary analysis 300 words in which you analyze at least three secondary sources mla fromat
October 17, 2021

humanities art literature toolbox

First, read through the links for the three key tools for interpretation from the week’s introduction (found below) and the Understanding Poetry Learning Resource at

  1. Literary language vs. ordinary language: This is the difference between language you would use every day to communicate and language that is used in literature to convey more than one meaning, ambiguous meanings, or deeper meanings. Literary language also includes imagery.
  2. Literary genres: poetry fiction, drama: These are the different types of literature which can often need a different approach to interpretation.
  3. Literary terms: These are the building blocks of interpretation. More information and examples are available here and in the glossary of the Poetry Archive.

Now, using these resources, list and define two concepts, terms, theories, forms of language etc. you can use to interpret literature. Make sure to use your own words and avoid cutting and pasting from the sources. Make sure to cite any of the learning resources you use in your answer in MLA format.

Example/Sample post

  1. Stream of consciousness – a type of writing where the author writes thoughts as they come and does not organize them. Can convey emotion.
  2. Parody – a writing style that creates commentary on or criticizes another piece of writing by exaggerating elements from the original work.

Insert MLA citations for all resources you used here.

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