hum250 cross cultural competency

the topic of this discussion is defining health understanding health disparities and how a person s social roots impact their overall well being
October 15, 2021
review the chapter from this week s lesson and provide a 1 2 page summary reflecting on how content from it can be used in your professional career 4
October 15, 2021

hum250 cross cultural competency

Take detailed notes during the group presentations.

Watch the following videos to round out your knowledge of the history of immigration to the US:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Participate in a reflective discussion connecting the knowledge gained from the presentations to course themes and learning goals.

Brainstorm to determine a direction for your final paper as outlined in Lesson 5.

Find 5 legitimate sources to support your thesis. Create a References page in APA format. Read them and take notes.

Submit your paper topic and references page to your instructor and receive feedback.

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