hum101 and mgt300 discussion forum responses

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hum101 and mgt300 discussion forum responses

Below you will find my original post to both the MGT300 discussion forum and the HUM101 discussion forum. After the original post are 1 or 2 responses with questions. I would like a 150 – 200 word response with references to each of these questions.

MGT300 Discussion forum responses


Diversity in a global workforce has its fair share of benefits, obstacles, and challenges. Diversity in places of work enables employees to offer a more flexible working environment and more possible solutions to problems. Employees reflect on a wide range of experiences which turn a global corporation into a learning organization. Diversity leads to more exceptional teamwork due to exposure of all employees to colleagues from different cultural backgrounds, races, and even nationality. A collaboration of workforce leads to higher productivity.

Furthermore, diversity leads to higher corporate engagement in the running of global corporations. (Schrempf-Stirling, Palazzo, & Phillips, 2016). Employees have diverse information regarding past management practices, which were either beneficial or detrimental to the achievement of organizational goals. Diversity enables managers to consult from a large group of workers before making essential decisions. Besides, diversity influences our nature of workplace communication. Employees from diverse cultural backgrounds have different signals and view courtesy in different ways. These differences can lead to confusion and miscommunication. As such, diversity makes employees appreciate the importance of patience to learn how to communicate with minimal barriers. Diversity training is an essential activity for both managers and employees of global corporations (Subotnik, 2016). It helps to foster an environment of clarity to ensure efficiency during work.

Principles for the management of diversity

Diversity refers to human features that make people different such as society, family, and biologically determined features (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2016). Management of diversity in any workplace follows five basic principles. These principles include management functions, categories, and roles of organizational managers, effective resource management, and understanding business processes. Also, a manager must understand and apply the four scopes of Emotional Intelligence to maximize human potential. Workplace diversity boosts the effectiveness and success of organizations, offers a wide range of talented workers and offers insights into cultural differences. For instance, Sodexo is a French company which takes pride in diversity to specialize in the management of facilities and food services. This Company values all aspects of diversity and highly believes in gender balance. Its board of directors’ body constitutes 43% of women and staff members consist of 40% of women (McSweeney, 2016). Sodexo focuses on gender balance to improve equal engagement of all its employees. As a result, the company’s brand image and gross profit rise significantly. As such, Sodexo uses gender balance to promote diversity and remain competitive in the market.

I have also felt the growing need for a diverse workplace in the company I last worked. We would undertake computer classes on embracing workplace diversity once in every month. Also, the management team could attend classes and computer training every three months to acquire new knowledge and educate the staff team. Training on diversity was part of the company’s culture because it has a diversified pool of employees from different races and cultures. Training improved collaboration and made all employees feel valued.


Gomex-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2016). Managing Human Resources. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Schrempf-Stirling, J., Palazzo, G., & Phillips, R. (2016). Historic corporate social responsibility. Academy of Management Review, 41(4), 700-719.

Subotnik, D. (2016). How diversity training hurts. Academic Questions, 29(2), 198-204.

McSweeney, M. (2016, August 7). 10 companies around the world that are embracing diversity in a big way. Retrieved from Social Talent:…

XXXX- Outstanding discussion points and descriptions. Thank you so

much for sharing the 5 principles. Managers should be well versed in

this area,would you agree? What kinds of training or education should be

provided to employees and specifically managers for handling these

kinds of issues? Should it be a more formal training?

HUM101 discussion forum

Creativity and Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking and creativity have a symbiotic interplay of creative strategy and strategic creativity. Creativity is a complement to strategic thinking. It breaks down thinking into smaller processes which can be learned and applied (Paul, & Elder, 2012). Similarly, individuals must strategize on how to be creative. This strategy involves thinking about an appropriate course of action to undertake to predict concerns or events, create alternate solutions, or clarify objectives. The process of strategic thinking arouses new thinking of various issues which fit the definition of creativity. Therefore, the two terms are complements of each other since they stimulate the brain to take the appropriate course of action in different circumstances.

The barriers to strategic thinking I witness at the workplace include time, commitment, and lack of priorities. Management teams rarely discuss organization strategy, and employees rarely understand the relationship between their tasks and organizational strategy and goals. Besides, most organizations lack procedures to focus on essential issues. Managers should control their schedule by delegating tasks and reducing the number of meetings they attend to make time for thinking (Cook, 2017). Secondly, managers should invest time to work with team members to elevate group thinking and build engagement and trust of such teams. Lastly, managers should examine their priorities to spend time well.


Cook, M. (2017). Create Your Company’s Future Through Strategic Thinking. Cross Group

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2012). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your learning and your life (3rd ed.).Boston, MA: Pearson


So glad you offered the idea of the “symbiotic interplay between strategic creativity and creative strategy”. The goal is not to balance, per se, it is about integration. Nice work

Dr. John A. Battaglia


What I notice from my workplace is that meetings and events are constantly taking over everyones time that it becomes difficult to get things done during the 9 hour work day. If meetings and events were to be kept to a minimum, time management and productivity would increase tremendously. What would you recommend that leaders do to minimize the amount of meetings that get held?



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