geotechnical engineering homework 2
April 6, 2023
assignment 1 coral reefs 2
April 6, 2023

hsm 480 mod 2 capstone

Option #1: Identify a Set of Key Values

Refer to the document Case Study of a Human Services Organization for this assignment. Assume that after the development of the mission and vision statement, you and the other board members identify a set of key values that will guide the work of the organization and are reflected in the mission, vision, and programs. Review the assigned readings to help organize the following into a well-organized critical essay:

Identify and explain five key organizational values.

Distinguish between organizational values and personal values.

Identify the role of both organizational and personal values on employee behavior and intervention.

Identify a situation where personal and organizational values may conflict.

Submission Requirements:

Cite and integrate at least three sources to support your analysis and/or position(s)

Your paper should be 3 to 4 pages in length with citation formatting and APA Requirements

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