The student writes report from the first to the fifth year, and there is no difficulty in this. The main thing is to immediately hone your skills and master all design skills. After all, writing a work is half a trouble, but it is more difficult to arrange it beautifully and correctly, observing the requirements. Therefore, further we will figure out how to do this in order to get “excellent”.
A report is a research work in which the student talks about the essence of the problem, gives the opinion of specialists, examples of solutions, expresses his own point of view and indicates the results. You can arrange the work in any form (write or print). The main task of this type of work is to teach the student to work with scientific literature, express his own opinion and speak in front of an audience.
When preparing a report, you must adhere to all the rules and standards, because it will submit for verification by the teacher. By the way, there are no guidelines for preparing a report, but you cannot use your creative abilities.
The title must be present and this is a must! It states:
It is advisable to use Times New Roman 14 pt. Use capital letters and bold to write your topic. The paragraphs on the title page are not used, page numbers are not put down, but take into account when compiling the content.
The content indicates the number of chapters, sections and subsections with pagination on which they are located. Times New Roman 14 pt. are used, lowercase and uppercase letters. You don’t have to do the content, but only if the text is small in size and there are no sections.
When formatting the text, the same font is used as for the content. Throughout the work there should be indents of paragraphs of 1.25 cm, the interval should be one and a half or single. But there should be no dots after the title of the chapter.
It is important to check that there are no gaps where they. Since when copying text into a document, this problem arises.
If formulas and calculations are present, they drawn up in Arabic numerals with parentheses on the right.
All pictures and images in work must be numbered and accurately named. That is, something like this: “Figure 1 – title.” Aligned to the center and immediately followed by the corresponding paragraph of text. In tables, the size of letters is 10 or 12 pt., they should also have their own norm and name in brackets.
The list of sources is arranged in alphabetical order. for books you need to indicate the name of the author, title, publisher, number of pages. For articles – author’s name, title, journal, year of issue and page where the article was printed. Don’t forget to include sources with valid links.
And here’s what else you need to know about the design of work:
Writing a report is not so easy, but writing it well and correctly is a completely solvable task. To do this, follow the teacher’s advice and our recommendations. Then you are guaranteed a great rating!