How does the sample affect the validity of the conclusions of the study? —

causes and effect of homelessness assignment help
August 21, 2020
How do you think the political climate has affected the choice of policy tools and the behavioral assumptions by policymakers?
August 21, 2020

How does the sample affect the validity of the conclusions of the study? —

Assignment case instructions —
Important info for writer….From instructor: In my classes you will be required to rely heavily on Peer Reviewed Journals. There is a requirement that you must only utilize new research which is not older than 36 months. Failure to follow this requirement will negatively impact your grade. Additionally all case studies must include at the very least a minimum of two new references that pertain to the type of case being studied. These references must be from a PRJ and not older than 36 months. —-
Your assignment consist of two parts – Question 1 & Question 2 “discussion questions” — Use “Question and Answer” format to answer all questions. – Length needed: 1-page per question, total: 2-pages. – No title page needed. — Cite two PRJ references for each question, total: 4 – use APA format. –
Discussion Question 1: Selecting a Relevant Sample
The research question or purpose of the study guides decisions about the research sampling. How might researchers ensure that they select a sample relevant to the research without introducing a bias? –

Discussion Question 2: Evaluating a Sample
Read the following two studies. Be sure to read the entire articles, not just the abstracts. –
Article 1 —
• Abraham, J., Sick, B., Anderson, J., Berg, A., Dehmer, C., & Tufano, A. (2011). Selecting a provider: What factors influence patients’ decision making? Journal of Healthcare Management, 56 (2), 99–114. –
Read Article 1 at the following link: —
Article 2 —
• Chullen, C. L., Dunford, B. B., Angermeier, I., Boss, R. W., & Boss, A. D. (2011). Minimizing deviant behavior in healthcare organizations: The effects of supportive leadership and job design. Journal of Healthcare Management, 55(6), 381–397. –
See Added Files for PDF copy of Article 2. —
Compare the two studies by analyzing their samples. Use the following questions to guide you.
1. What sampling design is used?
2. Is the sample size adequate?
3. How does the sample affect the validity of the conclusions of the study?

“Online Reading”
Week 4 Overview

Welcome to Week 4!
In the first half of the course, you learned that scientific investigation proceeds by iterations of observation, explanation, and experimentation. This week, we dig deeper into one aspect of observation, sampling. Sampling is one of the techniques for gathering the data on which theories are built.
Sampling is a vital part of research. It can make or mar a study. An error or bias in sampling could produce questionable data and lead to erroneous conclusions. Suppose you want to investigate the health effects of weight training. It may seem that the sample should be drawn from people who do weight training. However, you must include in your sample some people who do different types of exercise and some who do not exercise at all. Only this type of a sample will allow you to compare the health status of those who work out with weights and those who don’t. Not only are the groups considered for each research important, the sample size is also extremely important. Suppose you selected 20 individuals out of a population of 2,000. This is only 1% of the population and may not be a representative sample.
Purpose of Research and Sampling

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