history 1890s from the end of the civil war until the early 1890s 500 words

statistical significance and variables
March 27, 2023
week 4 discussion labeling 1 3 references
March 27, 2023

history 1890s from the end of the civil war until the early 1890s 500 words

Assignment: Answer the following question.

From the end of the Civil War until the early 1890s, what major issues did Americans grapple with? Explain using examples pulled from the (http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html).

Answer this assignment, in 500 words. You must cite a total of 4 different primary sources from Chapters 15 to 18.

To quote a primary source, do the following: put quotations around the section you are citing, then a coma, and, in parentheses, put the name of the writer and the title of the piece, i.e. “this is how it works,” (Deutsch, This Document).

Turn in your answer here.

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