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March 24, 2021
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March 24, 2021

forces change

Using the Internet, AUO library and other sources research a recent case study (less then 5 years old) about a company which experienced major organizational changes. Now consider that you are an organizational behavior consultant assigned to help the company navigate and manage the change. Write a report to your supervisor analyzing the reasons for the change and discussing the following points in your report:

  • What was the internal or external pressure that caused the change? Compare the driving force for the change to the specific types of pressures noted in your reading assignments.
  • What organizational changes resulted from the pressure for change?
  • Consider that there were probably forces within the company that resisted the change. What might have been their rationale against the change? Do you feel these are valid points? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that other organizations in the same industry would have reacted in the same way? Why or why not?

Your report should be no more than 4-5 pages and in current APA edition format. 



Assignment 3 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Discussed the internal and/or external pressure that caused the change.


Explained the organizational changes which resulted from the change.


Explained the validity of resistance to the change.


Explained how other organizations in the same industry might have reacted.


Case study was less than 5 years old, report used correct grammar, spelling, and word choice and cited all sources as per the APA style.



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