Research Paper – Currents Tends
April 23, 2023
What is Research
April 23, 2023

Finding Nemo? No, Finding Research

First, you will conduct a scholarly search using the key words “action research”and your chosen topic from Week 1 Discussion: Topic Selection (such as testing and assessment, educational standards, educational technology, literacy strategies, culturally and linguistically diverse students, safe classroom environments, disability research in general, AD/HD, autism, emotional/behavioral disturbance, intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, etc.) and the grade level of your current or future professional goal. Your search should be conducted using a scholarly search option, such asGoogle (Links to an external site.),Bing (Links to an external site.),Yahoo (Links to an external site.), or any other major search engine. For example, “action research and AD/HD and first grade.” Be sure to take the time to inform yourself on sound research sources including use of peer reviews as listed in the recommended and required resources for the week.To get you started, viewWhat is a Scholarly Journal Article?(Links to an external site.)Next, you will analyze the first five results that appear from your search in a table format using Microsoft Word.

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