find solutions from experts for my essay based on research

case study mrs j
March 26, 2023
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March 26, 2023

find solutions from experts for my essay based on research

Please read below

my problem: back people has fewer opportunities to be hired. They were also paid less when they are employed compared to white people. It will impede colored people to get rid of their poor life.

Reasons: One of the reasons for racial job discrimination is mass incarceration.

The second cause of racial job discrimination for African-American men is the aspect of a low level of education (Weller 1).

Harms: 1.The unemployed minorities with criminal records may easily commit the crime again once they did not have opportunities to earn a living through legal means. 2. causes racial wealth gap.

root causes: America was deeply influenced by long-run inequality, an intergenerational dislike and negative racial stereotype on African American.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Task 1

4) Outline the major obstacles that are currently preventing this problem from being resolved, including:

  • Political obstacles
  • Financial obstacles
  • Legal obstacles
  • Moral/ethical/cultural obstacles

5) List ALL potential solutions, even those that seem outrageous. Your solutions should NOT be self-generated but should come from your analysis of what experts have to say on the topic.

6) Cull your potential solutions to those that a) address root causes, and b) overcome major current obstacles. Identify at least ONE expert per solution (without expert credibility you solution will not be very persuasive).

7) Of those solutions mentioned in no. 6, choose the solution that a) is most feasible and b) has the greatest benefit with the fewest costs. This solution may be a stand-alone solution or may be a hybrid of a variety of solutions. Again, identify at least ONE expert who has espoused this solution.

8) Identify your chosen solution’s relative weaknesses to other types of solutions. To what extent can you expect your solution to solve the stated problem. Is this solution temporary or permanent? What potential dangers might the solution create in the future and how might those dangers be addressed.


Generate a thesis

3) Advocacy Project Options for Main Thesis, and for Topic Sentences:

ARGUMENT = This solution is the best available course of action because it costs x and creates x benefits which will help alleviate the problem.

CAUSE: This intervention is ideal at this time because

it counteracts X cause of the problem by doing Y and Z.

PREVENTION: This intervention helps prevent the problem by doing Y and Z, and thus is an ideal course of action

because it is not only reactive but proactive in establishing the means to eradicate the problem before it starts.

COST: Even though the proposed course of action will cost X due to Y, Z is a ready source of funding that will facilitate the implementation of this intervention.

OPPOSITION: X group/person opposes the solution, but their opposition is unreasonable and flawed because of Y.

FAILED SOLUTION: Solution X failed because of Y, and this course of action avoids Y by doing Z instead, thus making it an ideal course of action at this time.

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