find designs and explain them

hii this is a law ethics and cybersecutity assignment it says a quiz
October 9, 2021
theory application essay
October 9, 2021

find designs and explain them

You are required to select two classmates’s work to review. If possible, please select someone who does not have a review.

For this assignment, you will be required to create a video, audio or written presentation* of “What is Good Design to Me.” I encourage you to be creative with your submission format. Plan to keep your presentation less than 7 minutes. Your presentation should explain why the particular images you selected represent good design to you. Think back to the readings. During your presentation, answer the following questions.

  • Do the objects you selected fit within Dieter Rams’s criteria?
  • Would these objects represent good design to everyone or only to your specific needs?
  • How would you describe your overall design aesthetic?
  • Why does the object wow you?
  • What possibilities, stories, trends do you see in this design object?

* If you are doing an audio or video, you must also post a written transcript. This document can also include the citations, if they are not included in the audio or video.

Peer Review

You will consider what the selections say about the presenter’s design aesthetics. Consider the following when crafting your response.

  1. Do you agree or disagree that the selections are good design? Why or why not?
  2. Do you see a trend in the object selection?
  3. What specifically could be improved?
  4. What is unclear in the explanation?

What needs to be included in the presentation?

Images, citations and one paragraph (written, audio or video) per category (total of 5 categories). These can be design objects from any time period and culture.

Required image categories. Note, you must select two unique images for each category, they cannot be the same object or designer.

  • 2 images of architecture
  • 2 images of interiors/interior design
  • 2 images of costume/fashion/dress
  • 2 images of graphic design
  • 2 images of product design

Citations for architecture and interiors should include*:

Architect/Interior Designer (if known), Title/Description of Structure, Date, Location

Citations for all others:

Designer (if known), Title/Description, Date, Country of Origin/Manufacture

*Note: A website link is not considered a proper citation.

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