history religion explictation of passage from judges 13 16
April 6, 2023
theology daniel migiliore
April 6, 2023

final paper 299

Prompt: Who is Jesus?


1st summarize for me in 1-2 paragraphs “who you believe Jesus to be before taking this class?”

2nd – define for me in 2-3 paragraphs the difference between the historical Jesus (the one based on scholarly work and primary sources) and the faith Jesus (the one that is based of tradition and primary sources).

3rd Who is Jesus according to your reading of the textbook and the bible (The Gospels and Paul’s Letters)? – 2-3 paragraphs

4th– Opinion has your view of Christianity, and this Jesus expanded/ evolved from the beginning of this summer session? 1-2 paragraphs

Objective of this reflection:

This paper is to replace the traditional final exam assessment. The aim is to see how information of the new testament has expanded or helped to inform our view of the Christian world better than when we began the class.

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