Using the Client Brief provided for Mr. & Mrs. Moore:
List 5 initial inspirational ideas that can be used to develop a concept/scheme linked to the client brief and Multi-purpose room.
Explain how each of these ideas can be developed into a concept in a creative way.
When developing each idea, think about all of the elements of the space. For example materials, wall and floor finishes, furniture, accessories, fabrics, etc.
1 These will be your first thoughts and will form the basis of design ideas. Consider how the initial idea could be developed to form the clients interior design scheme. Refer to course notes for guidance on inspirational ideas and how to develop a concept using a client brief. Use inspirational images in your report to help you develop your ideas. A design concept is an idea that informs the look of the whole space. This is not a final scheme, and will develop as your design progresses.
With the design brief in mind, develop ONE inspirational idea from Assignment A.
Produce an A3 concept board to show your chosen inspirational idea and how this will be developed into a design scheme.
Include an explanation of how you have developed this idea thinking about the elements of the space indicating why it is the most appropriate choice.
NB Your chosen idea will be developed into a final scheme as you progress through the course.
Do NOT develop all five ideas from Assignment A. Choose only one that is most suitable to develop. A concept board shows ideas around a theme, not a finished scheme. Look at the How 2 Guide for ideas on presentation boards including concept boards. The concept board may include images if existing interiors, fabric swatches, colour palettes, wall coverings, images of furniture and accessories, etc.
Describe what a trend is and explain how trends develop.
3 Approximately 400 words (this is a guide only)
Produce an A3 presentation board to demonstrate one current trend within interior design. Include images to show the trend within an interior design scheme.
Explain what you think has influenced the current trend featured on your board.
4 Your board may include fabric swatches, colour palettes, images of furniture, accessories and full interior examples as well as potential influences of your trend e.g. Fashion Consider the influence of this trend on interior design, when it occurred and what has influenced this trend.
3, 5
Describe the purpose and importance of the design brief.
Explain the role and function of the interior designer.
5 Approximately 200 words (this is a guide only) for each of the 2 sections.
Identify the stages of an interior design project starting with the client consultation to the completion of the project. Include a brief description of what may be required at each of these stages.
6 Approximately 400 words (this is a guide only)
Assignment A: Produced 5 inspirational ideas in response to the client brief and explained how these could be developed
Assignment B: Produced an A3 concept board reflecting development of inspirational ideas with a range of products and materials from different sources including an explanation of development
Assignment C: Explained what a trend is and how these are developed
Assignment D: Produced an A3 presentation board of a current trend. Explained the influences on and development of this trend. Content, design and presentation of the board will be assessed
Assignment E: Explained the role and function of the interior designer and the purpose and importance of the design brief
Assignment F: Described the essential stages involved in an interior design project and explained the requirements at each stage
2 presentation on A3 concept board
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