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October 8, 2021
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October 8, 2021

evaluating credibility

Find a credible website on your topic for your bibliography.

A quick way to find credible websites is to filter by “domain.”

What is a domain?

A domain identifies the type of website, such as .edu or .org. The domain offers clues about the
purpose of the source. The
purpose (think CRAA
P!) of a source can impact the information that is shared on the website. Bias!

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  1. Title and web address/URL (no title, no link, no credit)
  2. Evidence: Use the above Domain Name Chart and the CRAAP Test to take notes on your webpage. Don’t “cherry pick”! Record positive and negative points. Address all CRAAP criteria. (20pts)
  3. Evaluation: Based on your evidence notes, discuss why your website is credible for your research project. Address any weaknesses and why they are acceptable in your judgment. Write 2 – 3 sentences. (20pts)


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Currency: Published 3/18/2015

Relevancy: gives overview of the two main types of organ printing, and related to my topic, describes the current hurdles scientists will need to overcome before printing immediately usable organs is a viable option.

Author: Jenny Morber – freelance writer and editor with a PhD in Material Science focusing in nanomaterials, magnetism and biotechnology. Writes and edits for peer reviewed National Academy of Science.

Accuracy: No bibliography. However, does include information from several named biomedical and other engineering researchers and research institutions .

Purpose: Found an “About” page – Nova is part of PBS which is a .org website and Nova’s mission is “committed to producing in-depth science programming in the form of one-hour documentaries and long-form mini-series, from the latest breakthroughs in technology to the deepest mysteries of the natural world.” I also found the PBS mission , which is to serve American public. I can see that certain people, foundations and companies (Draper) also fund this site, and so they might influence the content and create bias.

Evaluation: I think the strong credentials of the author and strong evidence of accuracy (many credible outside sources) make this a credible source. Even though private companies/foundations and members help fund Nova, Nova is part of PBS, whose mission is to serve the American public. The most valuable thing about this website for my research was getting a clear overview of the topic and tracking down the researchers and organizations mentioned in the article. I might track down those sources for further research.

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