i ask you to look at some presentations from outstanding leaders and write 2 pages
July 14, 2021
is cheating getting worse
July 14, 2021

evaluate a lesson plan

For this assignment, you will locate a lesson plan posted online that states that it is aligned to a national or state English Language Arts standard. Compose a 500-750-word evaluation of the lesson plan based on the following criteria:

  1. Thoroughness of lesson plan components. (Use the COE Lesson Plan Template as a point of reference—-*** ATTACHED****)
  2. Alignment of the teaching and learning activities and assessment (if available) to the stated learning targets/objectives.
  3. Real-world relevance of the activities.
  4. Evidence and/or artifacts of learning. How does the teacher know the students have mastered the learning targets?
  5. Expected engagement level of the students (in other words, would students likely find the activities interesting and engaging?).
    Some helpful websites for locating lesson plans are:http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/http://www.readwritethink.org/https://sharemylesson.com/ (this is free, but you do have to join the site to use it)http://lessonplanspage.com/http://www.teacher.org/


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