this is a disscusion board in the music subjet
April 8, 2023
m2 intro personal professional self and stress managment 100 words min
April 8, 2023

essay 250 words 1

Essay two requires you to consider Trifles from a different perspective. One of the things to note is that two really important characters, Minnie and John Wright, are never seen or heard from. If you look at the rest of the characters, there are some interesting pairs: the two lawmen, the two women, the two married couples. Often in literature when there are characters who seem to be paired, we call them character foils. A character foil is used to highlight, through difference, another character. Choose one of the character foil pairs in Trifles and provide a brief analysis. Describe contrasting characters and how they help develop the play and the point of view.


Trifles only

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