esl 1102 comp and modern english fiction

lab report 294
September 16, 2021
one question 2 3 sentence answer
September 16, 2021

esl 1102 comp and modern english fiction

For this essay, you will compare and contrast the way two different authors use 2 or more literary elements (tone, diction, symbolism, dialogue, character, etc.) in order to develop a theme.

You will discover your interpretation of your chosen stories’ theme by analyzing the stories’ dominant literary elements.

Please remember your goal is to get beyond the plot of the stories in order to arrive at an understanding of the author’s message by analyzing the stories’ literary elements. Your thesis will then assert that message, and your body paragraphs will provide evidence for your understanding of how the message is revealed to the reader by the author. Some questions to think about include:

What is the dominant conflict, issue or question this story presents?

What adage, moral, or cliché (such as “appearances can be deceiving”) does the story illustrate?

How do certain passages point toward the theme?

How do literary elements such as title, dialogue, names, characters, actions, setting, description, tone, point of view, symbols, etc., direct the reader to the author’s message?

How do repetitious words and/or images point toward the theme? In other words, how does the author deliver his/her message? How have you, the reader, been able to determine the theme?

As you develop your paper, be sure to include quotations from the short story to support your assertions, each documented using MLA style

Cite short stories by page number, for example: (Greenberg 33).

Some possible themes to consider include:








Appearance vs. Reality

Light vs. Darkness

Dilemmas of Conscience or Morality


The Supernatural

Parent/Child or Sibling Relationships

Public vs. Private Realms

Marital Relationships


Required Length: 2-3 pages double-spaced, 12 point font

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