business management task
October 1, 2021
charismatic leaders is sociology
October 1, 2021

english journal 10

this must be 300 words answer all the questions and also comment on 2 students each 150 words

This week will are finishing our videos attached to our unit on Social Media and Activism. Watch the TED Talk by Sarah Corbett. After you have watched the TED Talk, answer the following questions in reply.

Here is a transcript of the TED Talk if you need to follow along or use it when you are working on your answers to the discussion questions: Transcript for Corbett.


  1. What is the speaker’s main argument? Or what is her thesis? How did she come to argue this claim? What personal experiences led her to her conclusions?
  2. Name at least 3 specific examples/pieces of evidence she uses to support her argument?
  3. What was the biggest takeaway that you had from this video? What interested you the most?
  4. Who is the intended audience of his talk? What is her purpose?
  5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Have you experienced the same feelings that Corbett explains in her talk?
  6. Do you agree or disagree with Corbett’s main claim?
  7. Does this video add or change your understanding of how activism and social media interact?

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