read case study and answer discussion question 6
April 9, 2023
trade simulation research tarrifs on tires steel aluminum
April 9, 2023

discussions 163

Discussion 1

“The New Beginning and Prototyping” Please respond to the following:

Give your opinion on what Thomas L. Friedman is referring to with the words, “Now the real IT revolution is about to begin.” Discuss how the beginning, referred to by Friedman, is different from the last couple of decades.
Evaluate prototyping as a technique for gathering quality business requirements. Determine the approach to prototyping that would be better suited for emerging technology projects. Determine if a combination of prototyping approaches would be more efficient. Explain your answer.

Discussion 2

“Risk Management” Please respond to the following:

Determine why project risk management is a key component to bringing a project to a successful conclusion. Include an example to support your answer.
Reflecting upon your example, describe the relationship between project risk management and cost estimation.

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