short reflection on the american play
March 28, 2023
select any four questions of your choice listed below make sure you answer all parts of the question minimum requirements are two three pages per answer 1
March 28, 2023

discussion response 122

I need a response to the two discussion response question answer below. You must site your reference you use. The book is Human Resource Deveiopment Talent Development by Werner but you can use other resource to answer the response questions. You have to respond to the answer they wrote below.

  1. What change agent skills are necessary for helping a dysfunctional group become more effective? What if problems exist between managers? What happened if the refuse the help of the change?

A change agent is someone who is internally or externally from the company and who has the ability to stimulate, facilitate, and coordinate the change effort for the organization. According to Werner (2017), a change agent must have the those skills and be able to perform a variety of team-building activities. They also have to be able to help the team leader in different facets of team development. For example, managing conflicts, problem solving and decision making, and finally the change agent must be able to understand the culture of the group or system that is targeted for change (Kim, 2012). If the change agent understands the culture of the group he/she will be able to identify “access leverage points” that can facilitate or impede the implementation of the change strategy (Werner, 2017). “Culture influences the negotiation process, management in general, performance monitoring and control, and work information-sharing norms” (Weidner et al., 2000). Being able to understand the organizational culture will help the change agent to relate to the employees and use it to help support the change process. If a problem exists between managers, the change agent needs to discuss and emphasize the importance of the change to them. It is important to have them understand and agree with the process in order to assist and facilitate the smoothness and ease of the change. If the managers refuse the help of the change agent, then the company may not succeed in reaching their goals and may eventually have to replace employees and management that are not accepting of the change.

  1. Do you believe it is important to acknowledge, understand, and value differences in the workplace? Explain. How are you and your friends from culturally diverse backgrounds different? How are you the same?

Yes, I believe it is important to acknowledge, understand, and value differences in the workplace because everyone is unique. It is the values that people have that help them to determine between what is right and wrong, what drives them to do what they do and how they want to live their lives. Different values in the workplace can be beneficial because people have different experiences, look at things differently and come up with solutions or ideas differently which may help the organization to be more productive. “When the established culture is strong, group members enjoy rewards for complying with cultural norms but also allow for new insight into other people’s lives,” (Waters, 2004).

I enjoy being around people who are from all parts of the world and culturally different from me. It allows me to develop an a better understanding and connection into their lives. It shows me how their practices or beliefs are different from mine, and yet, how it leads to their growth. It teaches me to accept differences and to build an understanding that no religion or culture is better than the other but that each has its unique features. Waters (2004), states multiculturalism becomes an important concept to inculcate in today’s world of globalization where the chances of people living and interacting with racially and culturally different people than their own are heightened. I come from a small town with two caution lights in the middle of Alabama. My eyes opened wide to the world when I moved off to college and then to New Orleans. It was definitely a culture shock for me, but I love meeting so many new kinds of people. My friends and I have helped each other become more open-minded and understanding of others. We are the same in that we love our families, want to grow and learn, and are very supportive of cultural diversity. My friends and I all want to live a happy and successful life no matter the color of our skin, our accents, or where we come from.


Kim, N. (2012). Societal development through human resource development: contexts and key change agents. Advances in developing human resources, 14(3), 239–250.

Werner, J. M., (2017). Human resource development, talent management. Boston, MA; Cengage Learning. (7th ed.)

Waters, V. (2004). Cultivate corporate culture and diversity. Nursing management, 35(1), 36-37. Retrieved from…

Weidner, C.K. Kulick, O. (2000). The professionalization of organization development: a status report and look to the future. Research in organizational change and development. 12, 319-371 DOI:

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