another question 2
March 10, 2023
this weeks discussion board 2
March 10, 2023

discussion post 644

Forum Description

Legend has it that some friends bet Ernest Hemingway that he couldn’t write an entire short story in six words (some versions say that the challenge was for ten words or fewer). As the story goes, he came up with this six-word short story: For Sale: baby shoes, never worn. You’re going to try your hand at it, only you’re going to write a six-word memoir about life in Miami.


  1. Watch the video “Six Tips for Writing Six-Word Memoir”
  2. Write your own 6-word Miami memoir (anything about your life here)
  3. Read the stories written by your classmates.
  4. Respond to the two authors of your two favorite six-word Miami memoirs and explain why they are your favorites.

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