discussion flourishing and eudaimonia

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April 7, 2023
2 part assignment 19
April 7, 2023

discussion flourishing and eudaimonia

In this module’s learning, you were introduced to Aristotle’s idea of eudaimonia, which emphasizes happiness and flourishing. Imagine that you are 99 years old and looking back on your life. What do you think are the moments or actions that made you happiest? How would you determine whether your life was one which flourished? What role might virtue play in how you reflect?

Please respond to peers below


Looking back at the age of 99 years of life will be my three boys, my husband, my parents (brothers and sisters) and my grandchildren’s. I’ll be looking back on many happy memories with my kids by remembering them growing up step by step. My life had virtue because I am an honest, loyal, respectful and trusted person. I think I will feel like my life will be flourished by helping others and give them the best advises I learned from life.


If I had to look back on my life at the age of 99 the three most important things i would remember would be marriage, the birth of my children and having grandchildren. My most happiest memory would be the three births of my children and how happy they all made me and being able to watch them grow from babies to adults to then have their own children and watching them never give up and flourish in life with college and careers.

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