discussion amp responses diversity in history

management paper 32
March 15, 2023
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March 15, 2023

discussion amp responses diversity in history

*****Over the past two weeks, our readings and discussions have been focused on establishing a baseline for understanding diversity. In this module, we’ll begin our tour through the four lenses, beginning with history. As we dive into the four lenses, keep in mind that each lens is framed as a way of seeing the issue and is not necessarily tied to the associated discipline. So, looking through the historical lens isn’t just about History Channel documentaries—it’s also about how you use the lens to understand the past and present. As you write your initial post, answer the following questions:

  • In what ways does looking through the history lens enhance your understanding of diversity?
  • Consider a current event in the news that has a historical counterpart. How does looking through the history lens influence how you perceive both the current and historical events? Please share a news link to your events.
  • How does analyzing the relationship between history, culture, and diversity have an influence on your discipline of study or chosen profession?

******Respond to at least two of your classmates. Compare and contrast your answers to further everyone’s understanding of diversity and the lens of history.

*****Make sure you support your response with the readings from this module, and any additional resources if needed.

Required Resources

Review the module resources.

While the readings this week are both American-focused and focused on specific aspects of diversity, they help illustrate how the lens of history can help us understand diversity and related issues. These readings also demonstrate the interconnectedness of the four lenses, as you will encounter facets of the other lenses in these articles. As you read this module’s selections, consider:

  • What are some key attributes of the historical lens, and what do they reveal about diversity?
  • How do historical events affect how we currently perceive diversity in the past?

There is the old cliché that history is written by the victors. What this means is that the version of history that we study is the one that is written by whatever group gains dominant stature in a cultural area. This particular viewpoint leads to a specific view of a historical event or era. Think back to the Four Lenses overview that you reviewed in Module One. The history lens is the filter that we put on to look at current events, and it is informed by the version of history that you have been taught or experienced to this point. Consider one of your favorite historical events. What are the leading elements of that narrative? Whose story is left out as a result? And what could knowing that version of the story teach us about the event?

The goal of diversity education is to encourage a view of history that considers the other players in the events and their experiences. Those who write history do so through their own perspectives, which may either include or exclude certain people and events by the nature of personal bias. Recently, we see more and more areas of research acknowledging historical contributions that may have been omitted over time. This has been especially apparent in regard to women, people of color, and LGBT researchers. Consider the following popular bio-films: Dallas Buyers Club (2013), The Imitation Game (2014), and Hidden Figures (2016). All three of these films, as well as others not listed here, share one theme in common: to give a story to someone who was otherwise omitted from the dominant historical record. In addition to demonstrating the variable nature of history, these stories were recognized as relevant to today’s cultural climate. The decision to produce these people’s films reflects the way that the lens of history shows our current framework in action.

As you work through this week’s module, consider how your understanding of history has shaped your perception of diversity, and how this has impacted your perception of others. This understanding could stem from a mixture of your studies and/or personal experiences.

Review the overview of the history lens from the four lenses document you reviewed in Module One. Consider the artifacts of history in contrast to the version of events that are taught in history classes and documentaries. How does one support the other? How does our understanding of history influence how we view the artifact? Similarly, how does cultural meaning shift with generations and change perceptions of certain artifacts?

Peer post 1

As I look through the history lens, my understanding of diversity takes a tour from the beginning of recorded migrations that were vividly depicted in biblical scripture, to the American population that has an individual entering our country “every thirty-three seconds”(Sollors, 2017, p. 5). Throughout history, people have immigrated from one place, to another, bringing with them their history and culture. Sometimes this group is welcomed, other times they are brought to a country by force. Immigration and different cultures founded our country. This history lens is one of those common elements that relates us in the United States. It’s a timeline that reminds us of how diversity continually repeats itself from one time period, to the next. It shows the interconnectedness of gender related issues, to those of race related issues, but ultimately it shows a lens that encompasses a culmination of events and diversity. This culminated diversity is what I have realized characterizes us all. That is the respect we have as a nation for each other’s history and how our history is deeply rooted into each one of us.

A recent current event that some consider to be inappropriate for today’s culture are in the comments President Trump made about the group of minority congresswomen (Rogers & Fandos, 2019). President Trump followed President Obama, our first minority president. President Obama pressed for equality racially, socio-economically, and more. President Trump has been considered to be more conservative than President Obama. This situation echoes that of President Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson. President Lincoln changed the course of the United States and brought about the end of slavery. President Johnson had a strong commitment to obstructing political and civil rights for African Americans after the civil war (Varon, 2017). He is seen as the reason for the failure of the reconstruction after the civil war. Much like President Trump today, President Johnson failed to forge a compromise between radical and moderate congress members (Varon, 2017).

Analyzing the relationship between history, culture, and diversity influences my discipline of study by showing the interconnectedness of humans, even if they have different backgrounds. History provides continuity, and a timeline of the integral part of the human species. This is like areas of environmental conservation in which we have interactions from the smallest of species to the largest species. The issue arises when we ignore the important roles, yet still assign scales such as the Aichi biodiversity target 12 to the significance of what keystone species we should protect. To say if one species is greater than another, or more valuable to the ecosystem than another is questionable. We don’t fully know how complex the chain of interactions really might be. Taking a species that is valued on a smaller scale out of an ecosystem could lead to just as many issues as taking a larger value species out. It ultimately may be the key to cancer, or a future disease prevention vaccine. We just don’t know. Yet we model and set values of keystone species at a much greater importance than others. This sounds very similar to our history with the human race and how we set values of particular races at much greater importance.


Rogers, K., & Fandos, N. (2019, July 14). Trump Tells Freshman Congresswomen to ‘Go Back’ to the Countries They Came From. Retrieved July 15, 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/14/us/politics/tru…

SOLLORS, W. (2017). Introduction. In Challenges of Diversity: Essays on America (pp. 3-17). New Brunswick, Newark, Camden, New Jersey; London: Rutgers University Press. Retrieved fromhttp://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/stable/j.ctt1v2xtjj.3

Varon, E. R. (2017, July 12). Andrew Johnson: Impact and Legacy. Retrieved July 15, 2019, from https://millercenter.org/president/johnson/impact-…

Peer post 2

When looking at diversity through the history lens it helps me to understand diversity more. The lens of history can provide a more realistic understanding of a situation because each category of diversity is at least partially defined by past events and decisions.

A current event that has a historical counterpart would be the Black Lives Matter Movement and the Black Power Movement. The two events are linked due to the focus of criminal justice for African Americans. It is believed by both movements that criminal justice is the gateway to racism, it is connected to schools, jobs, the assault on voting rights, and of course discrimination (Chancellor, 2016). The #BlackLivesMatter movement was started after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida. This movement is about what it means to be black in America, www.cnn.com/2015/12/28/us/black-lives-matter-evolution/index.html. (Sidner, 2015). When looking back at the Black Power Movement, it occurred in the 1960’s and 1970’s (It was a political and social movement to increase racial pride, self sufficiency, and equality for all people of black and African descent. The history of the Black Power movement has been brought to light again since the #BlackLivesMatter movement started. For those of us who are too young to remember the Black Power movement, it has really enabled me to see and understand the meaning of the movement and to realize how important the Civil Rights Movement was and still is. These movements have given African Americans a voice, a platform, and the publicity to tell their stories. It shows all of us how far we have come and how far we still need to go for equality. For more information on the similarities of the two movements you can follow this linkhttps://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/02/01/black-lives-matter-black-power-movement/78991894/.

The relationship between history, culture, and diversity influence my profession as a nurse daily. In nursing it is important to build a trusting relationship with your patient. These trusting relationships make it possible for nurse and patient to work toward the same goal. Daily we have patients of different races, ethnic or economic groups, and those who speak different languages. In order to work with patients from different cultural groups effectively, relationships must be built on trust, understanding, and shared goals.

Chancellor, Carl (2016). USA Today Network. #BlackLivesMatter Deeply Connects To Black Power Movement. Retrieved from www.usatoday.com

Sidner, Sara (2015). CNN. The Rise of Black Lives Matter- Trying to Break The Cycle of Violence and Silence. Retrieved from www.cnn.com

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