Didn’t Cut It? Hire Another The process of recruiting a new employee is smoothest when there is collaboration between the managers and human resources personnel associated with filling the open position. The relationships between managers and HR personnel must be balanced for the recruiting process to be successful. If a clear focus and sense of cooperation are lacking, the process can be slow, arduous, and often ineffective. Furthermore, financial, legal, and ethical concerns may be ignored if managers and HR personnel are clashing instead of collaborating.In this Discussion, you will explore the implications of managerial relationships in the recruiting process. You will also weigh the costs and benefits of internal versus external recruiting by considering financial implications and organizational values.To prepare for this Discussion:Read Chapter 11 in the course text and focus on the involvement of both management and HR personnel in the recruiting process.Read the article, Nurse Staffing: Finding the Right Number and Mix. Consider how financial matters and other challenges affect the recruiting process in health care organizations. Also, consider how these challenges relate to whether an organization hires internally or externally.Review the case study Didnt Cut It? Hire Another in Chapter 11 of the course text. Consider the benefits and shortcomings of the collaboration between Kathy Gray and Sam Weston.Think about the many considerations and pressures the HR department balances in the recruiting process. How does the HR departments adherence to these considerations and pressures affect the success of an organization?Post by Day 4 a summary of at least two issues or problems that occurred throughout the case study and why those issues are significant. Then, discuss how the existence of a human resources department in the nursing home would have prevented or mitigated those issues. Describe what additional issues could arise if either HR or management did not participate appropriately in the recruitment and hiring process. Finally, analyze the pros and cons of hiring from within versus hiring from outside an organization. Consider the costs and benefits of giving existing employees promotions and the costs and benefits of providing opportunities for outside candidates to obtain positions.Please put it in apa format citation and if you used a page in the book let me know.The name of the book is Human Resource Management in Healthcare principle and pratice 2ND 14Author(s)FallonEdition/Copyright2ND 14PublisherJones & Bartlett PublishersTypePaperbackISBN-101-449bogus6-8883-7ISBN-13978-1bogus-4496-8883-7please put it in apa format citation Thank you. 300 to 350 words