Describe the problem this bank faces 2. Why did it happen 3. You have to mention in your talk or presentation that this problem happens in other institutions

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July 21, 2019
Business development and management.. 1 answer below »
July 22, 2019

Describe the problem this bank faces 2. Why did it happen 3. You have to mention in your talk or presentation that this problem happens in other institutions

You have a job interview with a local bank that has been in business for less than seven years in Show more I. You have a job interview with a local bank that has been in business for less than seven years in your area. The search committee wants you to give a talk or a presentation on how to solve one of their major concerns. According to the loan officers they have provided more loans to people they thought they were good in doing business and had some business experience or history. However they found out that some of the people they rejected deserved to get loans from the bank. Furthermore some of the people who got money from the bank (even those with good credit history) did not invested in the business they ask the money for. This situation has resulted in more than 30 % of loan defaults. Based on your knowledge (what you have learned from your Managerial Economics class): 1. Describe the problem this bank faces 2. Why did it happen 3. You have to mention in your talk or presentation that this problem happens in other institutions too ( mention some of them ) 4. How can you help the bank solve this problem ( in your solution mention what have been done in the other institutions you mentioned in question 3) Show less




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