dentifications do 20 of the following terms as one paragraph each identifying the definition significance and context of each

strengths of youth service organizations for the human service professional 2
March 9, 2023
assignment 2 practicum week 6 journal entry
March 9, 2023

dentifications do 20 of the following terms as one paragraph each identifying the definition significance and context of each

Treaty of Tordesillas

Vasco de Gama

Leif Ericson



King James I

Puritans, Separatists


Powhatan Nation

City on a Hill

Mayflower Compact

Roger Williams

Laws, Concessions & Agreements

William Penn

Indentured servitude

Joint stock company


Staple crops

Bacon’s Rebellion

Navigation acts

The Enlightenment

Benjamin Franklin

Molasses Act

New England

French-Indian War


Stamp Act

Tea Party

Samuel Adams

Thomas Paine

Continental Congress

Dec. of Rights & Grievances

Declaration of Independence

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