Cultural Persenttation: Middle Eastern(Isrealie)

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August 12, 2020
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August 12, 2020

Cultural Persenttation: Middle Eastern(Isrealie)


Present a culture that will assist students in applying holistic nursing care to patients.


Create a culture diversity poster/power point presentation

1. What health care practice dose this culture(Isrealie) embrace that may be different than Western medicine?

a. What pratices may interfere with health care/

b. What are the major illness and diseases in this country?

c. Include environmental and social issues that impact health care?

d. Include an explanation regarding hoe the content provides a focus for nursing assessment and or nursing interventions.

2. How does this culture perceive current health practices in this country (united States)

a. Hospital based care

b. Family/home based care

c. Medication vs. Home remedies

d. Include an explanation regarding how the content provides a focus for nursing assessment and or nursing intervention.

References:APA Format

a.References: Utilize in text citations,within the power point slides and  provide reference at the bottom of the slide.

Include a reference page slide

* Please include pictures and description that will enhance the learning of all students.

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