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October 4, 2021
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October 4, 2021

cultural object

Cultural product

Each class meeting, a few students will sign up to provide the class with a tangible physical object, or cultural product, and submit a paper. This MUST an object, and must be connected to the reading for that day. Your object can include any item or object and basically any cultural product or object that is tangible and visible, and connected to the reading. For example, students have used: an oven mitt, an earring, a golf club, a pair of jeans, necklace, a boxing glove, etc. Your cultural product must be ONE item that already exists in your everyday surroundings (not multiple items), and should notbe something that you make or construct. Your object must not be dangerous (e.g. do not bring a knife or weapon). Electronic submissions are not acceptable for this assignment, and may NOT include film or television clip, audio clips, mobile app, meme, electronic image, etc. Stories about an event or one’s life cannot be used for this assignment as they are not visible and tangible products of culture or society. In addition, internet images/information are NOT viable cultural products for this assignment. (For example, if we read a piece by bell hooks, please do not bring in internet images/information on hooks – I am looking for you to make connections between the things we read about and the items or products that exist in your individual everyday realities). It is best to choose ONE reading to analyze and connect to your cultural product. You MUSTcite from the text in proper APA format. Once someone has discussed an item, you may not also use that same item- do not copy each other’s ideas.

On the day you are signed up to present, please be prepared to explain where and how you found your item and in some cases, you may need to explain what you think your item is. In addition, you should be prepared to talk about how your item is related to the course readings for that day and provide an analysis of that item if possible.

Your cultural product assignment must include an analysis of one of the readings THE SAME DAY that you present. In other words, if you sign up to present on a day we discuss gender, then you must connect your object to one of the readings about gender that we are scheduled to discuss THAT DAY.

*******Students are required to submit a two pages essay that details your cultural product and explains your analysis on the day of presentation.

Your paper MUST:

1. explain your item

2. connect it to course material with analysis and

3. cite from the text******** in proper APA format. You may NOT use a direct quote- paraphrase.

You can think of each of these items as a paragraph.

Be sure to pay attention to APA format for in-text citations, referring to works by the author’s last name. See the module on Blackboard for clarification. If you mention the author’s name (using only their LAST name), the year of the publication must directly follow their name, in parentheses. For example, our textbook citation looks like this: (Ryckman, 2008). Or:

Ryckman (2008) described Freud’s psychoanalytic stages of development.

If you are paraphrasing an author’s words (never using direct quotes), the name and year appear at the end of the sentence in parentheses, like this:

Freud argued that the Oedipus complex occurs during the phallic stage (Ryckman, 2008).

You must use language appropriate for an academic paper.

Link to READING THAT WILL BE USED FOR ANALYSIS: https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-…


OBJECT CHOSEN: FEMALE (BRA). A simple description of the item and how it relates to feminism should be written in the introduction of the paper, and then analysis of the reading after.

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