Critically discuss this idea with reference to examples of complex and/or high concept television.

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Critically discuss this idea with reference to examples of complex and/or high concept television.

Question: For Eugene Thacker, dark media embodies a paradox ˜as it communicates with or connects to that which is, by definition, inaccessible.’ Critically discuss this idea with reference to examples of complex and/or high concept television. Essential Reading: Sobchack, Vivian (2004) ˜Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture’ (read chapter ˜What My Fingers Knew: The Cinesthetic Subject, or Vision in the Flesh’, p.53-85), University of California Press Supplementary Reading: Barthes, Roland (1992) Camera Lucida, New York: Vintage. Bazin, Andre (1967) What is Cinema?, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press. Buckland, W. (1999) ˜Between Science Fact and Science Fiction: Spielberg’s Digital Dinosaurs, Possible Worlds, and the New Aesthetic Realism’, Screen 40, no.2 (Summer), 177-192. Doane, Mary Ann (2002) The Emergence of Cinematic Time: Modernity, Contingency, The Archive, Cambridge, Mass and London: Harvard University Press. Kilborn, R.W. & Izod, J (1997) An Introduction to Television Documentary: Confronting Reality, Manchester: Manchester University Press. Marks, Laura (2000) The Skin of the Film: Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses, Duke University Press. (Read especially chapter ˜The Memory of Touch’, pp.127-194) Musser, Charles (1994) The Emergence of Cinema: The American Screen to 1907, Los Angeles, Berkeley and London: University of California Press. Ochs, Elinor (1990) ˜Indexicality and Socialisation’ in James W. Stigler, Richard A. Sweder, and Gilbert Herdt, Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.287-308. Pierson, Michele (1999) ˜CGI Effects in Hollywood Science-Fiction Cinema 1989-95: The Wonder Years’, Screen 40, no.2 (Summer), 158-76. Trotter, David (2004) ˜Stereoscopy: Modernism and the œHaptic’, Critical Quarterly 46, No 4, 38-58. Trotter, David (2007) Cinema and Modernism, Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell. Advanced Reading: Butler, Judith (1993) Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex, New York: Routledge. Derrida, Jacques (1992) On Touching “ Jean-Luc Nancy, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Gilbert, Paul and Kathleen Lennon (2005) The World, the Flesh and the Subject: Continental Themes in the Philosophy of Mind and Body, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Marks, Laura U. (2002) Touch: Sensuous Theory and Multisensory Media, Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press. Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (2007) Phenomenology of Perception, London: Routledge. Paterson, Mark (2007) The Senses of Touch: Impacts, Affects and Technologies, Oxford: Berg Publishers




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