Creating Visio Data Models and Designs Using Visio

January 25, 2023
Public Sector Information Technology Failures Paper
January 25, 2023

Creating Visio Data Models and Designs Using Visio

Movie Rental Company (MRC) is a startup company providing DVD kiosk service in upscale neighborhoods. MRC can own several copies (VIDEO) of each movie (MOVIE). For example, a kiosk may have 10 copies of the movie Twist in the Wind. In the database, Twist in the Wind would be one MOVIE, and each copy would be a VIDEO. A rental transaction (RENTAL) involves one or more videos being rented to a member (MEMBERSHIP). A video can be rented many times over its lifetime; therefore, there is a M:N relationship in the Data Model between RENTAL and VIDEO. RENTAL_DETAIL will be added in the Data Design as an association record to resolve this relationship and will store the DueDate and ReturnDate of the video.Details on the MRC database table descriptions, relationships, and cardinality are given below:Table DescriptionsMEMBERSHIP is a table containing the members of MRC.  Members are uniquely identified by their member number. Please use the following attributes for this table:MEMBERSHIP(MemberNum, FName, LName, Street, City, State, Zip)RENTAL is a table which contains information about rental transactions for MRC. Each rental transactions has a rental number which uniquely identifies that transaction and a date in which the rental transaction took place. Please use the following attribute names for this table:RENTAL(RentalNum, RentalDate)PRICE is a table which describes the movies as Standard, New Release, Discount, or Weekly Special. Each of these categories has its own rental price and late fee. Each of these is uniquely identified by a price tier. Please use the following attributes for this table:PRICE(PriceTier, Description, RentFee, DailyLateFee)MOVIE is a table which has entries of the various movie titles available at MRC. Each movie is uniquely identified by a movie number. Please use the following attributes for this table:MOVIE(MovieNum, Title, Year, Cost, Genre)VIDEO is a table which has the acquired date for each copy of the movies owned by MRC. Each video is uniquely identified by a video number. Please use the following attributes for this table:VIDEO(VideoNum, AcquiredDate)Table Relationships and Cardinality· Members of MRC can have multiple rental transactions, but are not required to have any.· Each rental transaction must belong to a single member.· Rental transactions can be for one or more videos and since videos are re-rented, they could appear on more than one rental transaction. However it is possible that MRC has a video which has never been rented yet.· MRC can have many video copies of each movie, but may not have acquired copies of all movies at this time. MRC only has videos of the movies stored in their system.· MRC has set up a 4-tier Price category structure for movie titles. At any given time MRC may have zero to many movies in each price tier. Each movie belongs to at most one price tier and is not classified into a price tier if not videos have yet been acquired.Visio Assignment:1. Create a Data Model for MRC using Crow Foot notation with attention to good style.1. Entities and identifiers should be present in the model.2. Be sure to show relationships with maximum and minimum cardinality.3. Rename the tab from Page 1 to Data Model.2. Copy your Data Model to a new tab and rename to Data Design with attention to good style.3. Convert your Data Model to a Data Design for MRC using Crow Foot notation.1. Tables and primary keys should be illustrated in this design.2. Foreign keys should be indicated by an (FK) at the end of the attribute.3. Be sure to show relationships with maximum and minimum cardinality.4. A title labeling it as your MRC Data Model or Design should be added to your sheet using the Text tool in the Tools group of the Home tab. Also use this Text tool to add your name as I will likely print these pages to grade them.5. Make sure that each of your model and design fits on a single landscape page.6. Save your Visio file under the name MRC.7. Submit your Visio file to Canvas on or before the project due date.Visio Notes:1. The PK icon can be turned on/off by a right-click on the attribute and checking/unchecking Primary Key2. The FK icon can be turned on/off by a right-click on the attribute and checking/unchecking Foreign Key3. By default, relationship lines are identifying. You can make relationship lines non-identifying by a right-click on the relationship line and unclicking Set Identifying.

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