Computer and Information Data

Written Interview questions for PhD Admission.
January 12, 2023
Information system home work
January 12, 2023

Computer and Information Data

Discussions: 2 pages1. Where to be careful when using cloud services?2.  What are those cloud essential characteristics in “The U.S. NIST Definition of Cloud Computing”?3. What does trigger mean in a database management system?4. what kind of trigger mechanism can be used in Database for the purpose of trigger?5. If possible, can you imagine/innovate/provide/… a different possible mechanism for trigger?Assignment : 2 pagesTopics: (Format can be flexible one, just answering the question and had better use figures to demonstrating)For mapping, there are Mapping Cardinality Constraints and some traditional mapping methods such as One to one, One to many, Many to one, and Many to many.Please describe the  Mapping Cardinality Constraints, examples of 4 mappings, and provide possible (extra) mapping mechanism that is different from the above 4 mappings.

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