composer paper corelli arcangelo baroque era italian violinist and composer

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composer paper corelli arcangelo baroque era italian violinist and composer

Information to include:

Life – historical background of composer/performer. (country of birth, years of life, family influences on music, factors that influenced their music, did they perform, etc.)

Musical Era – what musical era did the composer live/write during, what are the musical characteristics identified in that era

Type of music by the composer – Instrumental, vocal, both instrumental and vocal. What form(s) of music is the composer known for writing? (Symphonies, chant, piano etudes, jazz compositions, pop music, etc.)

Identify and describe at least two of the composers/performers most well-known works.


You may use APA or MLA format.

Minimum of 3 pages, double-spaced. Title page and reference page are separate (not included in the 3 pages).

Minimum of 3 sources – please use reputable sources in your research, use in-text citations for all information taken from your sources, There are many great sources for you to use; please DO NOT use blogs, sources where anyone can post information (Ex: Wikipedia), etc.

Any of the sources in our course are excellent to use, other University websites, online encyclopedias,, official websites of the composer/performer, etc.

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