complete short private sector task

complete week 6 coding homework
March 6, 2023
restate specific goal
March 6, 2023

complete short private sector task

Project 10.5 “I Know You Believe…”

Everyone in the company lunchroom was laughing as each person cited a real-case scenario that fit with the meaning of a well-known quotation. The anonymous quotation that caused the laughter and subsequent discussion was, “I know you believe you understand what you think I just said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

1. How does this statement relate to the topics covered in this chapter? (Chapter topics include: Ineffective/Effective Listening Skills, Roadbloack to Listening, Levels to listening, Customer focused listening)



2. To what extent do you think this statement is true and applicable to service encounters?



3. Relate a personal situation you’ve experienced recently when the outcome was illustrative of this quote, and share it with your class members.



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