compare types of advertising print radio billboard tv research methods graphic design types for a good brand product product category across three eras analyze what was happening societally culturally during each era and how the ad provides insight

briefing 06
March 5, 2023
write how courses reflect at work 1
March 5, 2023

compare types of advertising print radio billboard tv research methods graphic design types for a good brand product product category across three eras analyze what was happening societally culturally during each era and how the ad provides insight

compare types of advertising (print/radio/billboard/TV/research methods/graphic design types) for a good (brand/product/product category) across three eras. Analyze what was happening societally/culturally during each era and how the ad provides insight into consumer culture of the time. Also, analyze each ad in terms of race, class and gender. Finally, analyze how the ads relate to consumption/consumerism and/or appeal to modernity and progress.

You will submit the completed project as either a paper, presentation or other format approved by me. Updates to previously submitted parts should be made based on your research and my feedback.

Papers should be no more than 10 pages, double-spaced with 1” margins and use 12 pt. font. Papers should employ some kind of organization of material, ideally section headers throughout. Ads and any other supporting visuals may be included in the body of the paper or attached as appendices at the end. A minimum of four references is required and they should be cited properly.


The final project is worth 200 points and 25% of your grade.

Average projects will include all of the required elements including an approved type or method of advertising, a product/product category/brand and three distinct eras; an analysis of what was happening societally/culturally during each era and how the ad provides insight into consumer culture of the time; an analysis of each ad in terms of race, class and gender; and an analysis of how the ads relate to consumption/consumerism and/or appeal to modernity and progress. At least four sources must be included and should indicate an ability to apply course knowledge to the analysis. All parts of the project due prior to the end of the term must be submitted on time and be as fully realized as possible. Completed projects should be visually appealing and organized with minimal errors. Whether a paper or presentation, the project should flow and present ideas cogently. Projects should include an introduction and conclusion.

Above-average projects will use the four required sources to support analysis and demonstrate the ability to apply what was learned in the course to the final project. They will contain minimal or no errors. They will demonstrate creativity either in format or thought process.

Excellent projects will include all of the above as well as the introduction of insightful analysis and discussion beyond the scope of classroom materials. Excellent projects may also include discussion of the impact of advertising on the student personally as it applies to the final project.

Below-average projects will be missing one or more required elements; lacking in organization and attention to strong writing and speaking; presenting ideas in a non-cogent manner; and/or having one or more pieces of the project submitted late.

Failing projects will have one or more pieces of the project submitted late without prior communication/accommodation with me and/or be missing major required components.


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