General Sociology
April 22, 2023
topic: “Auto industry bets big on Scrappage Policy”
April 22, 2023

Clinical Field Experience A: Functional Behavior

Most students who engage in chronic, challenging behaviors will require a functional behavior assessment. This assessment can be conducted by a variety of trained school personnel, including school psychologists, board certified behavior analysts (BCBA), special education teachers, and school counselors. To learn more about functional behavior assessments, it is important to seek out these professionals to learn from them.Arrange to shadow a certified special education teacher, school psychologist, school counselor, or a board certified behavior analyst in Grades 6-12 public or private school, focusing on how they conduct, analyze, and develop interventions based on students’ functional behavior assessmentsAs you shadow your mentor, complete the “Functional Behavior Observation Form” by making notes of what you observe and discuss. If any one of the sections does not apply in your observation, discuss the topic with your mentor to complete the table.In addition, explain how you will use what you observed and discussed with your mentor teacher about functional behavioral assessments in your future professional practice.

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