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March 23, 2023
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March 23, 2023

business stat paper

Choose any business-related paper from the general business journal literature (accounting, sales, marketing, operations research/analytics, business medical services, business software development, etc.) Suitable journals include Harvard Business Review, CrossTalk, Interfaces, University of Chicago Journal of Business, etc. Not acceptable publications are popular magazine articles, trade association magazine articles, or newspaper articles. Meet with the instructor if there are any questions about the suitability of the paper and source.

  1. Make a copy of the journal paper and attach to the back of your critique. Include a page showing the Cover and Table of Contents from the journal you chose.
  2. Write an explanation of the hypothesis the author was testing in plain English. Use of statistical symbols such as ho will not be acceptable. Assume your audience is middle management who are not experts in statistical methods.
  3. Write your critique of the conclusions the author drew using plain English. You may either agree or disagree with the conclusions and/or methods used by the author.

**Attached instruction for the essay.

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