based on any professional development sessions you have attended and what you are currently learning discuss three critical areas to educate communicate to others about asd related issues

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October 14, 2021

based on any professional development sessions you have attended and what you are currently learning discuss three critical areas to educate communicate to others about asd related issues

Answer the following questions: Based on any professional development sessions you have attended, and what you are currently learning, discuss three critical areas to educate/communicate to others about ASD-related issues.

Respond to student:

(Yen)My fiancé is a police officer who works in schools. I spend a lot of time educating him about students with ASD because he often gets calls about unmanageable students that are causing harm to themselves or others. He finds that they are almost always students with special needs or ASD. The thing I stress the most to him is to be aware of their sensory triggers. Things like noise, shouting, lighting, crowds could all contribute the behavior to escalate. Also, be mindful of touching as that may not be welcome.

I recently had a professional development on classroom management. The biggest take away was the establishment of routines. Students with ASD often have anxiety associated with new environments and social settings. By establishing a routine and sticking to it, will provide your students a sense of security knowing what will happen and what to expect. With the establishment of routines, you diminish possible behaviors. The last piece of information critical to share with others is that students with ASD do not understand idioms, figurative language, or sarcasm. It is important to express things in a literal way and be mindful of what you say.

Review “Positive Behavior Support Through Family-School Collaboration for Young Children with Autism,” by Blair, Lee, Cho, and Dunlap, from the Topics in Early Childhood Special Education (2010).

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