Assignment: Is There a Difference? Web Page

Cloud Provider Evaluation (computerscience)
January 15, 2023
January 15, 2023

Assignment: Is There a Difference? Web Page

The whole purpose of statistical testing is to better understand the population. In this workshop, you will learn how to develop confidence limits. These confidence limits will give you the range within which the true value of your variable lies in the population. The higher the desired confidence (i.e. lower the chance of being wrong), the broader the range. The lower the desired confidence level, the more narrow the range.Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:Develop confidence limits from actual data.InstructionsReview the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.Read chapters V, and IX, and X in the online textbook. Watch the videos and powerpoints that go with each chapter.Examine the County Complete database. Pick three states in the same area of the country as yours, one of which is your home state. Determine one variable that was not included in your workshop two analysis. Complete the following analysis:Determine the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance for the counties in all three states. How are they different? The same?Assess each of your three variables for normality.Determine a 95% confidence level for each of the three states for the mean value of counties.Compare the confidence level of your home state to the actual value for your home county. Is it within the confidence limit you have calculated? If not, what could be factors causing it to be an outlier?Write a short report that includes the results of your analysis. Include whatever graphs or statistical output you may have generated in answering these questions along with a short explanation of your analysis.When you have completed your assignment, submit a copy to your instructor using the Assignment submission page.The assignment is due by the end of the workshop.

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