Assessment of a Federal Agency’s Privacy Program

technology in contemporary society
January 26, 2023
Leadership Paradox and Inter-team Relations
January 26, 2023

Assessment of a Federal Agency’s Privacy Program

Unlimited Attempts AllowedDetailsOverviewFor this assignment, you will submit a voice-over PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should include an introduction, conclusion, and reference slides. In addition, the presentation should include 3 to 5 slides of content based on supplemental research using scholarly resources. At a minimum, your presentation should answer the following questions. In addition, you should address two to three additional concepts based on your research. Site all references using APA format.What information is available via the agency’s website?How does this information align with federal requirements for securing and protecting personal information retained in federal systems?What suggestions do you have for the agency’s Senior Agency Official for Privacy?Assignment SubmissionDraft a PPT with 3 to 5 slides of content and recorded narration. (The presentation should include an introduction, conclusion, and reference slides.)Utilize at least three (3) cited outside sources, using APA citation formatSubmit your completed assignment to CanvasView RubricWeek 5 Assessment of a Federal Agency’s Privacy Program RubricWeek 5 Assessment of a Federal Agency’s Privacy Program RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsContent Qualityview longer description15 ptsFull MarksApply knowledge from coursework and/or outside resources in a manner that is coherent, thorough, and relevant to the topic. Clearly explain your argument/point. Provide evidence to support your argument/point.0 ptsIncomplete/not demonstrated/ 15 ptsOrganization and Presentationview longer description3 ptsFull MarksFollow basic rules of strong presentation skills, including a clear agenda, logical organization and transitions, clear and appealing slides, and recap of main points.0 ptsIncomplete/not demonstrated/ 3 ptsCitations and Spellingview longer description2 ptsFull MarksUse Proper APA formatting when citing your sources. Base your ideas on research or theory. When you use someone’s words exactly, quote, and cite. Check your document for proper grammar, formatting, and spelling.0 ptsIncomplete/not demonstrated/ 2 ptsTotal Points: 0Choose a submission type

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